
Sometimes you have invested so much time, effort and passion into something that you can’t bear to see it in shambles. We pick up the pieces, running around trying to glue it back together. Refusing to see clearly that it’s time to let go. That it’s time for it to be history. Your efforts toContinue reading “Sometimes…”

I need your love.

When you’re seen as the strong person, the one who doesn’t need anyone, they pass comments on how independent you are and how you can face the world just fine. It makes it difficult to open up when you feel like life is caving in on you and you can barely breathe with the pressuresContinue reading “I need your love.”

A Little Too Late

Imagine this: You have gone hiking alone. At the start of the journey, you had the company of other hikers so you thought to yourself, ‘this is pretty easy’. Someone is sharing funny stories and you are all laughing. You are not so focused on the trail you are to follow. Everything seems to beContinue reading “A Little Too Late”

Same conditions, different results.

My mother planted some windbreak by our wall- ten of them all on the same day. We had all totally forgotten about them because they were outside and we hardly used that route. One evening while we were sitting in one of the porches, we realized that only six of them have sprung up pastContinue reading “Same conditions, different results.”